Interested in offering an additional innovative and complementary roadside assitance solution to your customers?
Contact us for more information.
Meet your new roadside virtual insurance agent
with Max
Some emergencies require constant availability of service and efficient communication more than others. Because we understand that your customers sometimes need assistance past the first intervention, we have created Max, a virtual agent answering recurring types of questions very quickly.
Thanks to Max, you will never suffer the endless hotline waiting ever again. Fast-paced, clear communication is key to help you make the most out of your insurance policy. Do you have a question about our policy, or about the courtesy vehicle you were provided with? Max, The Multichannel Virtual Agent Powered by Advanced Conversational AI helps you regain your mobility.
- 5 seconds
5 secondsThe time our virtual agent
takes to answer your texts
- +1,000
+1,000The number of conversations
engaged with Max each month
- 75%
75%The completion rate
of Max's conversion funnel

Changing the way your customers experience roadside emergencies for the better
In case of a car breakdown or accident, your customers need to recover their mobility and 24/7 fast, consistent answers to be reassured. Our virtual agent Max provides assistance by orchestrating the followings tasks:
- He provides your customers with a replacement car,
- He answers all spontaneous questions they may have about it,
- He books a taxi to go to the rental agency or to go to the garage when their car is repaired.
Max operates on a multichannel model. He uses the channel each customer prefers: SMS, WhatsApp and, soon, Facebook Messenger, Snapchat, Instagram.

The next generation AI-propelled agent
Combining Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML), Max is multilingual and multichannel. He is very different from a chatbot that understands mainly yes/no answers. He knows when to search for an answer in a knowledge database, when to book a taxi, when to reserve a rental car, when to ask for clarity and when to direct customers to a human. With Machine Learning, after each conversation, Max learns and becomes more intelligent, more accurate and more efficient. His wordings and intentions detections evolve dynamically day after day.

An awarded solution for making your customers’ life easier
Our ways of communicating are changing quickly. Just like you would grab your phone to send a quick text to your friends and family, you can now benefit from AXA’s services and assistance through text, allowing Max, our virtual agent, to get back to you instantly. The very existence of our innovative solution has generated greater customer satisfaction: our customers love to talk with Max. When faced with an emergency, they exchange an average of 15 messages with him.
This has had a clear impact on our NPS, which increased tremendously:
● Max consistently performed with an NPS over 70.
● By alleviating the burden on agents, we also saw a consistent improvement of the overall call center NPS.
Thanks to the work of our dedicated teams, and Max’s adaptability and reactivity, the project was recently awarded. Max received a Silver Award in the Customer Experience category during the EFMA-Accenture Innovation in Insurance 2021 awards.

Enrich your offer with Max
More than ever, time is precious. Our fast-paced environments demand fast-paced communications. Your customers deserve solutions tailored to meet their needs rapidly, and that is even more true when an emergency arises. Moreover, when questions are left unanswered, frustration can rise and quickly decrease customer satisfaction.
In that sense, Max can help you reach new levels in your strategic objectives and add value to your traditional offer. Better assistance, swifter communication, greater satisfaction: Max is here to accompany you in your desire to generate additional income.
Meet your strategic objectives with AXA Partners’ virtual agent:
● Decrease your assistance-related costs: not all requests need a hotline operator to be answered. With our virtual agent, you can decrease your costs related to assistance and still achieve full customer satisfaction, and beyond.
● Add an innovative and complementary solution to your offer: Allow your customers to save time regarding the most common questions they might have about the products and equipment you give them access to.
● Boost your digitalization without heavy IT investment: Benefit from a turnkey solution and modernize the way you practice customer assistance.

Customer's Story
Roadside assistance now available anytime, from anywhere
Mary’s car just broke down on her as she was commuting from work to her home. She is now stranded on the side of the road and needs quick assistance in order to get home to her family. She reaches out to her assistance and is being reassured by a human agent, who understands with empathy the situation she is in . This agent explains to her the following steps and how she will be assisted by Max, the virtual agent.
The human agent sends the towing truck and Max takes Mary in charge: he is checking with her that the towing truck arrives on time, if she needs a replacement vehicle (when, where, if she prefers manual or automatic gears…), or a taxi. Max will answer all the questions she may have about the replacement vehicle during the duration of her car repairs. He will always be by her side. Thanks to Max, Mary saved time and was granted the quality of assistance she deserves: fast, reliable, understanding.