Providing best in class medical expertise, and optimized patient’s care coordination pathways
In today's fast-paced and multifaceted lifestyle, your customers are particularly focused on their health. That’s why at AXA Partners, we offer high-quality medical expertise, and care orchestration services to provide your customers with peace of mind when it comes to medical care issues.
Our solutions fall into three main categories: health services (including home care and teleconsultation), TPA (Third Party Administration) management, and optimization of health expenses thanks to our medical network.
- +30.000
+30.000medical providers*
- 170
170in-house doctors and nurses*
- 1.3M
1.3Mcases handled*
*in 2023
Providing a comprehensive care pathway
Our health offers have been designed to provide valuable protection to your customers, whatever their medical needs, and wherever they are in the world. This increases the number of touchpoints you have with them and reinforces customer loyalty.